Assisting Retired and Widowed Pastors 


There is a Biblical principle found in Scripture that declares that true religion is to care for the widows and orphans. (James 1:27)  mBridge Global will look for ways to assist where possible those that are both the most vulnerable(orphans) and those that have given sacrificially so much for others (pastors and ministers of the gospel.) Charitable gifts will be given as deemed appropriate. 


The Retired and Widow Pastors Program is to assist and care for those who have given so much to our communities. Unfortunately, many ministers in their later years find that they are forgotten and are in need themselves. While they have given so much to others, it doesn’t always return in a way to cover their daily needs. mBridge has created a program to meet this need and give back to the pillars of faith that gave so much care to other.


World wide

Type of Aid:

Community Development 

Sponsoring Organization:

mBridge Global

Fundraising Goal:
