
Raconteur – a person who tells stories, proverbs or anecdotes in a skillful way.



Psalm 145:4 “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”

1Tim. 1:18 Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well,



King David certainly had some stories to tell. From fighting lions and bears as a youth, to overcoming Goliath and the nations who wanted to destroy God’s people. David’s stories are legendary.

The Apostle Paul also had a rich life filled with many dramatic events and interventions of God. In Paul’s concluding days, he wrote a letter to his young protege Timothy with  a command. He commanded Timothy to recall the prophecies made about him. To remember the words spoken about who he was and the call upon his life, for in recalling them, he would be able to fight the battles of life, holding on to faith and a good conscience before God. 

In both these accounts, there was a great emphasis upon recounting God’s provision and His mighty acts, of recalling the prophetic word that had been spoken and sharing the wondrous deeds that God had done. Is there more power in the stories of God’s faithfulness in our lives than we are aware of?

A chronicler, a bard, a raconteur, a narrator, a faber, and the  storyteller. They are all titles that describe a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes in an interesting and memorable manner. They are words that we rarely use or need in our day. In our digital world that is dominated by streaming services like Netflix, telling the testimonies of the past has become a lost art. 

When was the last time that we sat around the dinner table and bragged on the wondrous works of our God? When last did we recount to our children when we gave our hearts to Jesus and were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit? When last did we speak of a healing or deliverance. 

Remembering and re-telling stories of faith, and the sharing of prophetic words are powerful for both us and those that follow behind us. We have a story to tell. A story of God’s power and his wondrous deeds. 

David continues in Psalms 145 by saying;  “They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—and I will meditate on your wonderful works.They tell of the power of your awesome works—and I will proclaim your great deeds.”

Paul commanded Timothy to recall God’s words, David said they would meditate on and proclaim his great deeds. Maybe we should develop the ability of the Raconteur so that we will commend His good works to the next generation. I believe it will help us all in our daily battles!
